Codiaeum Variegatum 'Yellow' (Pot/Bag)
$4.50 - $12.00
BAG - $2.80
POT - $5.80
Family Name: | Nephrolepidaceae |
Common Name: | Boston Fern, 高大肾蕨 |
Growth Form | Sub-erect fern, with slightly drooping fronds, able to grow up to 60 - 90 cm tall and 0.5 - 1 m wide. |
Foliage | Dagger-shaped fronds which are entire to slightly toothed, measuring about 50 - 150 cm long and 5 - 10 cm wide, pinnae arrangement alternate and each pinna measures about 3 - 8 cm long. |
Reproductive Parts - non-flowering plant | Sori round and arranged in 2 rows near the margins of the pinnae. |
Etymology | Genus Nephrolepis means "kidney-scale" and refers to the shape of the indusia of the sori. Species exaltata means lofty and very tall. |