Euphorbia Milii

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Euphorbia Milii

Family Name: Euphorbiaceae
Synonyms: Euphorbia milii var. splendensEuphorbia bojeri,Euphorbia splendens var. bojeriEuphorbia breoniiEuphorbia bojeri var. mucronulataEuphorbia , Euphorbia splendensAcalypha bojeri
Common Name: Crown of Thorns, Christ Thorn, Christ Plant, Christ's Thorn

Description and Ethnobotany

Growth Form A scrambling succulent, containing milky sap, multi-branched with spines all over branches.
Others - Plant Morphology Stem: Stems obscurely 3 to 5 angled, greyish-brown, covered with many prominent grey spines. Foliage: Leaves simple, alternate, obovate to oblong-oblanceolate, green, margin entire, 1.5 to 5 cm long, 0.8 to 1.8 cm wide, clustered near apical branches; stipules forming spines, 1 to 1.3 cm long; petiole absent or subsessile. Flower: Cyathia (inflorescences consisting of cuplike clusters of bracts enclosing unisexual flowers) in subapical, dichasial (having two lateral flowers originating from opposite points beneath a terminal flower) cymes; each cluster bears 2 bright red (pink, white or yellow in some cultivars), broadly ovate bracts beneath the miniscule flowers, up to 1.5 cm across; male flowers numerous in each cyathium, calyx, absent, corolla absent, stamen 1; female flowers 1 in each cyathium; calyx absent; corolla absent; pistil 1. Fruit Fruit capsule 3-lobed-ovoid, 3.5 mm long, 4 mm wide, smooth and glabrous; 1 seed per capsule; Seed ovoid-terete, 2.5 mm long, 2 mm wide, brown, reticulate (net-veined).
Cultivation Prefers well-drained soil that can be watered regularly and is moderately salt tolerant. Though very drought tolerant, regular watering will keep it from defoliating and encourages blooming. Prone to botrytis or powdery mildew when water collect on the leaves and flowers. Propagated by tip cuttings, whereby bleeding is stopped and allowed to dry and callus over a few days before inserting into propagation media. Rooting occurs in a few weeks.
Etymology The genus epithet ‘Euphorbia’ is derived from 'Euphorbus', the Greek physician to Juba II, King of Mauretania. Juba II was treated by a plant (probably the Resin Spurge, Euphorbia resinifera) with powerful medicinal properties, of which he named after his Greek physician 'Euphorbus'. The species epithet is named after Baron Milius, a former governor of the island of Bourbon, who introduced the species in France in 1821. Its common names like ‘Crowns of Thorns’, ‘ Christ Plant’ and ‘Christ’s Thorn’ were derived from the belief that during Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, the crown of thorns was made from the stems of this plant. Ironically, the stems of this plant are pliable and can be entwined into circular weavings. There was also substantial evidence that the species was brought to the Middle East before the time of Christ.
Full Sun

Full Sun

Little Water

Little Water

Coastal Plant

Coastal Plant

Indoor Plant

Indoor Plant

Suitable for Rooftops

Suitable for Rooftops

Ornamental Flowers

Ornamental Flowers

Drought Tolerant

Drought Tolerant

Shallow Media

Shallow Media

Herbaceous Plant

Herbaceous Plant