Axonopus Compressus 'Cow Grass'

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5 ft by 2ft

Axonopus Compressus 'Cow Grass'

Family Name: Poaceae (Gramineae)
Common Name: Tropical Carpet Grass, Wide-Leaved Carpet Grass, Cow Grass, Rumput Parit

Description and Ethnobotany

Growth Form Creeping stoloniferous grass, forms a dense mat on the ground surface, rarely reaching more than 15 cm tall. New shoots developing from older nodes can be up to 50 cm tall. 
Foliage Leaf sheath loose, compressed, keeled; leaf blade broadly oblong, blunt, measuring 5 - 15 x 0.4 - 1 cm, hairy.
Stems Creeping stem, internodes flattened, measuring 3 - 3.5 cm long, nodes hairy. 
Flowers Inflorescence; each stalk carries 2 - 3 spikelets measuring about 4 - 10 cm, stalks arise from the uppermost leaf sheath; spikelet flattened, has 2 flowers, green, elliptical, pointed, measures 2 - 3.5 mm x 1 - 1.3 mm, upper floret bisexual. 
Fruit Caryopsis, elliptical shaped, measures 1.25 mm long, yellow-brown colour.  
Habitat Flourish well in moist soil, and humid areas. 
Similar Similar to A. affinis  but it is more robust, has stouter stolon and culm as well as wider leaves.
Etymology The genus Axonopus means axle-stalkted, which refers to the spicate raceme that radiate around the upper part of rachis. The specific epithet compressus means flattened sideways, pressed together. 
Ethnobotanical Uses Others: A good ground cover to prevent soil erosion, and used widely as a lawn grass in the tropical and subtropical area. 
Full Sun

Full Sun

Semi Shade

Semi Shade

Moderate Water

Moderate Water

Coastal Plant

Coastal Plant

Grass or Grass-like Plant

Grass or Grass-like Plant